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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Watch new MGMT video for 'Cool Song No. 2'

Psychedelic rockers MGMT have released a music video for their song "Cool Song No. 2."  The video features Michael K. Williams (The Wire, Boardwalk Empire) as a guy who turns genetically modified plants into drugs.  The video is cinematic and at times heartbreaking.  "Cool Song No. 2" is the second single off of MGMT's new album "MGMT."  Check out the video below.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Morrissey's Autobiography pulled prior to Sept. 16 release

Morrissey fans were surprised yesterday by the unexpected cancellation of the singers anticipated autobiography which was due to be released on Sept. 16. According to NME, “Morrissey: Autobiography” was pulled due to a last minute "content dispute" between Moz and Penguin publishing. A statement regarding the future of the book was released on Morrissey's fan supported website True to You.

"Although Morrissey's Autobiography was set to be available throughout the UK on September 16, a last-minute content disagreement between Penguin Books and Morrissey has caused the venture to collapse. No review copies were printed, and Morrissey is now in search of a new publisher."

This news follows a string of performance cancellations from Morrissey, as well as a food poisoning induced health scare earlier this year. Morrissey offered his apologies and addressed the situation with a heartbreaking statement that he posted on True to You.

"The future is suddenly absent, and my apologies are now so frequent as to be somewhat ridiculous, and it is I who apologize because no one else would bother. It is agonizing to be responsible for imparting such news – especially when it springs upon me unexpectedly and inexplicably. But the collapse of South America rings the curtain down with a colossal thud, and the major problems remain as insoluble now as they were in 2009. The obvious conclusion stares back at me from the mirror, and the wheels are finally off the covered wagon. Cancellations and illness have sucked the life out of all of us, and the only sensible solution seems to be the art of doing nothing."

We wish Morrissey the best and hope that these set backs will not prevent him from continuing to make music or releasing his biography. His words inspire so many and it is disheartening that he has had such a difficult time being heard in recent years.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Five Best Ricky Gervais Moments

In honor of the Netflix release of “Derek” in the U.S. tomorrow, we wanted to take a look back at the five best Ricky Gervais Moments to date. Whether he's starring in “The Office,” hosting awards shows or being serenaded by the Thin White Duke, Ricky Gervais always makes us laugh. His razor sharp wit strikes without warning and more often than not it is directed at none other than Gervais himself. Enjoy this trip down memory lane by way of the “Free Love Freeway” and let us know what are your favorite Ricky Gervais moments.

The David Brent Dance
After suffering through Neil and Rachel's dance routine that had the entire office cheering, David Brent took to the dance floor to show off his moves which he describes as a fusing of “Flashdance and M.C. Hammer shit.” Enjoy this great moment from “The Office” season two.

The Golden Globes 2011

Ricky Gervais thrilled fans and frightened the Hollywood elite when he hosted The Golden Globes back in 2011. He took jabs at everyone from Mel Gibson to Robert Downey Jr. Here are a few of his best jokes.

“It’s going to be a night of partying and heavy drinking — or as Charlie Sheen calls it: breakfast.”

“There were a lot of big films that didn’t get nominated. Nothing for Sex and the City 2. I was sure the Golden Globes for special effects would go to the team that airbrushed that poster.”

“Our first presenter is beautiful, talented, and Jewish apparently. Mel Gibson told me that. He’s obsessed. Please welcome Scarlett Johansson.”

“I love this next presenter; he’s so cool. He’s the star of Iron Man. Two Girls and a Guy. Wonderboys. I’m sorry are these porn films? Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Bowfinger? Up the Academy. Come on! He has done all of those films, but many of you in this room probably know him best from such facilities as The Betty Ford Clinic and the Los Angeles County Jail. Robert Downey, Jr.”

David Brent meets Michael Scott

It was the moment that fans across the globe were waiting for and when David Brent finally met Michael Scott in season seven of “The Office” it was instantly one of the best moments in a sitcom. The two office managers bonded instantly over edgy comedy that Brent describes as “the brain tickling itself.” Michael Scott is thrilled with this chance encounter and when Brent delivers the line “that's what she said,” Scott knows that the two are kindred spirits.

Ricky Gervais takes his Emmy back from Steve Carell

In 2007, Ricky Gervais won an Emmy for best actor in a comedy for his performance in “Extras.” Gervais wasn't there to accept his award, so presenters Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert gave the award to “their friend” Steve Carell. In 2008, Gervais attended the Emmy Awards and during his presentation he takes his Emmy back by telling Carell, “I sat through 'Evan Almighty' now give me my Emmy back.” Carell deserves a special Emmy for keeping a straight face throughout the entire bit.

David Bowie serenades Andy Millman

The scene in “Extras” where David Bowie becomes so inspired by the plight of Andy Millman that he composes a song on the spot is heartbreaking and hilarious. Gervais as Millman plays the scene perfectly as he listens to his idle describe him as “a chubby little loser” and “the clown that no one laughs at, they all just wish he'd die.” Watch the encounter for yourself and enjoy one of the best scenes to ever air on television.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Comedians react to George Zimmerman incident

Yesterday, police were called to the home of George Zimmerman after his soon to be ex-wife called 911, stating that Zimmerman had threatened her and her father with a gun.  As CNN reports, no one was hurt in the incident and no charges were filed against Zimmerman, but obviously the story gained a lot of attention.  Rather than boring you with a reputable news source, let's take a look at what comedians had to say about the event.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Phoenix and La Blogotheque release new 'Take Away Show'

On Sept. 9, 2013 Phoenix and La Blogotheque released their latest collaboration, a four song multi-location "Take Away Show."  This show features Phoenix performing some of their most popular songs in less than traditional locations.  After a brief introduction the show begins with an intimate performance of "Bourgeois" on an airplane full of sleepy passengers.  Lead singer Thomas Mars uses the plane's own announcement system to amplify his vocals.

The most interesting segment of this "Take Away Show" features Phoenix performing "Entertainment" in the empty gardens of the Palace of Versailles.  What makes this piece so interesting is that it is shot continuously by a drone giving it an isolated feel.  They follow that up by playing "Trying To Be Cool" in a row boat and they end the film with a performance of "Countdown"in a garden at the Palace of Versailles.

Phoenix released their fifth studio album "Bankrupt!" earlier this year and they are currently touring the U.S. in support of the album.  Check out "Take Away Phoenix" and let us know what you think.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Watch Soundgarden's new video for 'Halfway There'

Soundgarden have released a new music video for their track “Halfway There.” The video features an isolated astronaut transfixed by amazing visuals as he drifts through space. “Halfway There” is the third single off of Soundgarden's latest album “King Animal.”

Soundgarden are touring Europe this month and Chris Cornell will be touring the states in October.

Soundgarden European tour
9/4 Helsinki, Finland @ Hartwall Areena
9/6 Stockholm, Sweden @ Hovet
9/7 Oslo, Norway @ Oslo Spektrum
9/10 Berlin, Germany @ Columbiahalle
9/11Amsterdam, Neterlands @ Heineken Music Hall
9/13 Manchester, UK @ O2 Apollo Manchester
9/14 Birmingham, UK @ O2 Academy Birmingham
9/16 Dublin, Ireland @ The O2
9/18 London, UK @ O2 Academy Brixton
9/19 London, UK @ O2 Academy Brixton

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From Examiner: Sept, 4 2013

Jon Stewart returns to "The Daily Show"

Jon Stewart returned to “The Daily Show” on Sept. 3, 2013 after being off in Iraq for two months filming his directorial debut “Rosewater.” Continue to

Fiona Apple responds to claims that she walked off stage in Japan

On Sept. 3 2013, Fiona Apple responded to her critics in the media who reported stories of her alleged walk-off at a Louis Vuitton event in Japan last week... Continue to

Watch "Eastbound & Down" season four trailer

On Sept. 3, 2013 fans got their first look at the trailer for season four of the HBO comedy “Eastbound & Down.” Continue to

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sigur Ros perform at iTunes Festival

The iTunes Festival continued on Sept. 2, 2013 with a headlining performance from Icelandic ambient rockers Sigur Ros. Jonsi Birgisson and company took the stage at London's Roadhouse Theatre to an eager crowd ready to be transported to the ethereal world of Sigur Ros. The band were backed by a string section, as well as a horn section, and the stage set up was minimal, using only old fashioned lightbulbs to set the mood of the stage.

Sigur Ros opened with “Yfirboro” off of their album “Kveikur” which was released earlier this year. They continued to play tracks off of “Kveikur” for the first half of the set, navigating through the rest of their catalog for the remainder of the show. Sigur Ros took their time building the set into a dramatic close with “Popplagio”. Jonsi's voice was as beautiful as ever and Sigur Ros' show at the iTunes festival will surely be one of the best of the year.

iTunes Festival will continue throughout the month of September, featuring a performance from a different artist daily that can be streamed across the world via iTunes. Other notable acts include Phoenix (Sept. 7), Arctic Monkeys (Sept. 9) and Elton John (Sept. 12). You can stream the full Sigur Ros set at iTunes.

Sigur Ros iTunes Festival Set List

Með Blóðnasir

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From Examiner Sept. 3, 2013

Best jokes from the Comedy Central Roast of James Franco

The Roast of James Franco appeared on Comedy Central, and Comedy Central mobile Sept. 2, 2013... Continue to

'The League' season four now available on Netflix

On Sept. 3 2013, Netflix dropped season four of the comedy “The League”... Continue to

Watch Moby's new video for 'The Perfect Life'

Electronic musician Moby has released a music video to accompany his new track "The Perfect Life"... Continue to

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