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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dealing With Festival Conflicts

Do you go with your head or follow your heart?

Festival season is in full swing and set time conflicts abound. How do you decide between them? Do you use your head or follow your heart? I would like to examine some of the toughest conflicts at Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo to try and figure out how to make the best decision.

Let's start with Lollapalooza, since they just released their conflict filled set times yesterday.

Case 1
The Killers vs. Nine Inch Nails - Lollapalooza

Industrial legends with an always amazing show versus the poppy, dramatic Las Vegas rockers with a ton of sing-a-longs. My head is telling me Nine Inch Nails, obviously. They consistently put on a great show, have a huge catalog of dynamic songs, and who doesn't want to look at Trent Reznor for ninety minutes. However, My heart is telling me to go with The Killers. I loved Nine Inch Nails in the past, but The Killers are the present. Brandon Flowers writes songs that are beautiful while telling a compelling story. I loved their last two albums and I haven't yet had the opportunity to see them. Heart wins on this one – I've seen NIN before and they are always stellar, but I really love The Killers in this moment. That being said, if you have never seen NIN, I definitely recommend checking them out.

Nine Inch Nails @ Lollapalooza 2008

Case 2
New Order vs. Queens of the Stone Age

Why Lollapalooza? Why must these two bands conflict with each other? New Order are new wave pioneers with an extensive collection of hits, while Queens of the Stone Age seriously rock in an age where most music is glossy, happy and over produced. So what's a festival goer to do. I love New Order with all my heart but my head knows that QOTSA are going to destroy the Bud Light Stage.  Every song that QOTSA have released off their new album “Like Clockwork” has been eerie and exciting. Besides, New Order isn't even a true reunion as founding member and bassist, Peter Hook, declined to join them.  Queens of the Stone Age it is!

Bonnaroo, less than a month away, is even worse for conflicts. Luckily, the headliners play unopposed, but Late Night is jam packed with great acts.

Case 3
Wu-Tang Clan vs. ZZ Top – Bonnaroo

For this conflict, my head is telling me ZZ Top. They are rock and roll legends and consummate musicians. My heart is pulling for Wu-Tang Clan. I listen to Wu-Tang way more than ZZ top, but still my head prevails this time. A great studio album does not necessarily make for a great live show and my heart has already been broken by less than stellar Wu-Tang performances. I always go in hoping for a great show, but it usually just ends up being, well, sloppy. ZZ Top for the win.

Wu-Tang Clan @ Coachella 2013

Case 4
R. Kelly vs. Superjam vs. Billy Idol – Bonnaroo

Billy Idol is full of fist pumping fun and I have been wanting to see R. Kelly late night at Bonnaroo for years, but how do you miss the Superjam. Ugh, what to do? Sorry Billy, you're the first to leave this equation. I'm sure the set will be fun, but we are debating magic here. Now it gets really tough. My head is telling me Superjam. It's a rarity and always one of the best sets at Bonnaroo, but my heart... my heart is dying to see R. Kelly. R. Kelly's performances are entertaining in every way possible, but so are the Superjams. Got to go with my head and my heart on this one and split the sets. Start over at R. Kelly and somehow tear myself away to catch a big portion of the Superjam. I hate splitting sets, but sometimes you have to compromise.

Bonnaroo Superjam 2011 - Dan Auerbach & Dr. John filmed by AllShowsGO!

How do you decide who to see when it's a tough conflict?

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At May 15, 2013 at 10:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE splitting sets but sometimes it just must be done! RKelly into super jam is the only way there. Not going to stupidalooza but if I were NIN is the obvious choice there

At May 16, 2013 at 7:04 AM , Blogger Laurie Fanelli said...

NIN is a great show, but I've already seem them 5 times, so I'm looking forward to The Killers :)


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