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Friday, June 28, 2013

Hear new Pixies track "Bagboy"

The Pixies have released the track "Bagboy", their first since 2004.  This is also the first track since bassist, Kim Deal, ended her 25 year relationship with the band.  Black Francis does his trademark talk/sing throughout the song and it sounds like Deal was still around at the time of recording the back-up vocal.  Check out the video for "Bagboy" below and download a free copy of the song at

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Smith Westerns - Soft Will - Review

The Chicago trio channel the California Coast

Smith Westerns, record the quintessential summertime album with their new record “Soft Will”. The Chicago band, somehow create a coastal vibe, while integrating the best aspects of early eighties new wave and the thoughtful poppiness of the British invasion. The songs are simple, in the best possible way, encouraging listeners to roll their windows down, put their hand out into the breeze, and just enjoy the moment.

Smith Westerns aren't charting any new territory, with lyrics about growing up and summer love over simple, single note guitar riffs and steady rhythms, but there is something so refreshing about the way they don't over think things. The opening track “3am Spiritual”, sets the tone for the whole album's "young love” feel as lead singer Cullen Omori sings, “Please keep close to me/I don't want to let you off my arm”. You can practically see the mini movies unfold with track after track. The 6/8 time tune “Cheer Up” conjures images of a couple reuniting for one last dance at their senior prom. “Best Friend” could sub in for Lynyrd Skynyrd's “Tuesdays Gone” as the party closer in the cult hit “Dazed and Confused”.

Silence plays a key role in the musical make up of most of the tracks, as if it is an instrument of it's own. “White Oath” is airy and deep, with the band showing great patience as they let the music build. “XXIII”, the album's sole instrumental track is wistful and sounds like a breeze making it's way peacefully through the trees. The production by Chris Coady, who has previously worked with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Tv On The Radio, is near perfection. Each element is given equal ear time, making it slightly more difficult to hear the vocals yet somehow making them better for it.

“Soft Will” won't change your life, but it will remind listeners of the innocence of youth and all of the emotions that entails. It's a good album, released at the perfect time, and shows that Smith Westerns will be an important band in the years to come. 

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Morrissey to appear on IMAX 3D screens

Bigmouth Strikes Again

According to Spin, Morrissey's concert film, from his performance at Hollywood High School, is going to be released in IMAX 3D.  Morrissey's newphew, the photographer Sam Esty Rayner, posted the news on his facebook page stating, "So the film of the Morrissey show at The Hollywood High School will be shown at 47 cinema across the United States of America, you lucky bastards. Available in IMAX 3D."

"This Charming Man" has been canceling a lot of shows lately, due to health concerns.  No word yet on when the IMAX 3D film will be release.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

R.I.P - James Gandolfini

James Gandolfini, the actor best known for playing Tony Soprano, has died of a heart attack at age 51.  Besides, "The Sopranos", Gandolfini was also wonderful as a low level mobster in "True Romance", a Lt. General in "In the Loop", and more recently as a troubled man trying to save a young woman in "Welcome to the Rileys".  The last scene of the Sopranos is one of the best endings to a show that I have ever scene.  The Journey song "Don't Stop Believing" will forever be associated with the last dinner that we would spend with the Soprano family.  The scene has a whole new meaning now.  Thank you James Gandolfini for providing audiences with years of great acting, that was dramatic and heartfelt, while keeping a hint of comedy.  We have lost a legend.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Best and Worst Musical Moments - Bonnaroo 2013

Bonnaroo 2013 has come and gone and all we have left are the memories.  Here is a look back at 5 of the best and worst musical moments at this year's festival.

Sir Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney - Bonnaroo 2013

The Best Moments

The Best Set - Rock N' Soul Dance Party Superjam
Jim James (My Morning Jacket), John Oates (Hall & Oates), Larry Graham (Sly & The Family Stone), and Brittany Howard (Alabama Shakes), could this set get any better? The answer was clearly yes, as R. Kelly joined the jam performing the Sam Cooke classic, “Change Is Gonna Come” , followed by the blues song “Bring It On Home”. As Kelz left the stage, another legend entered and Billy Idol brought his growl to the T. Rex hit “Get It On (Bang A Gong)”. The set ended with a performance of Sly and the Family Stone's “I Want To Take You Higher”, propelling the crowd to their highest possible point, before finally saying goodnight.

The Best Sing-a-Longs - Sir Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney has hits for days and with a set that pushes three hours, Bonnaroo fans were able to hear and sing-a-long with a lot of them.  "Let It Be", "Blackbird", "Live and Let Die", "Helter Skelter", each were played to perfection as Paul encouraged eager fans to sing-a-long.    Perhaps the very best song for crowd participation was "Hey Jude".  Picture 90,000 people singing "Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na.  I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

Best Duo - David Byrne & St. Vincent

David Byrne and St. Vincent (Annie Clark), backed by a choreographed horn section, played songs off their album “Love This Giant” as well as hits from their respective careers. Both Byrne and Clark, looked like they were having a great time on stage and their energy was infectious.  David Byrne is a genius and Annie Clark is an innovator, with their powers combined they are an unstoppable musical force.

Best Song - Bjork "Hyperballad"

"Hyperballad" started soft and sweet but soon grew into an angry dance party led by Bjork and her entourage.  In a 2012 interview Bjork explained that the song is about hiding your aggressive side from the person with whom you are in a relationship.  "You wake up early in the morning and you sneak outside and you do something horrible and destructive, break whatever you can find, watch a horrible film, read a bit of William Burroughs, something really gross and come home and be like, 'Hi honey, how are you?".  Thankfully, Bjork was willing to share her aggressive side with her fans at Bonnaroo, making "Hyperballad" the best single song performance of the fest.


Best Introduction To A Set - R. Kelly

R. Kelly wowed fans by beginning his set on a crane lifted well over the question mark that tops the Which stage.  The crowd went wild as he started singing, “Now I'm not tryin' to be rude/but hey pretty girl I'm feelin' you”, provoking a huge sing-a-long of the first verse and chorus of "Ignition (Remix)". This is the stuff that legends are made of and fans will definitely be talking about R. Kelly's set for years to come.

And now for the worst...

Read more »

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sigur Rós 'Kveikur' - Review

Sigur Rós explore their dark side with new album

Icelandic ambient/alternative band Sigur Rós are exploring aggression on their new album “Kveikur”. Jónsi's vocals remain airy and light, but musically they are much more experimental... and loud. Percussion is more prevalent than ever as they play around with what sounds good to the ear, challenging us out of our comfort zone. For one of the most beautiful bands in the world, they have produced a very unsettling album.

The album begins with the statement piece, “Brennisteinn”, letting listeners know that this isn't your traditional Sigur Rós album. The track opens with a noise that is somewhere between thunder and fingernails on a chalkboard followed by a wall of sound that sounds more like The Prodigy than Sigur Rós . The voice of Jónsi comes in, comforting us as we get acclimated to the new sounds. “Kveikur” is another heavier track, very loud, aggressive and full throughout, ending with a minute of haunting sounds. “Hrafntinna” is a study in insanity with horns and bells bumping into each other and bouncing in our minds.

The album isn't all doom and gloom. “Rafstraumur” is a traditional verse chorus verse pop song as is the beautiful track, “Ísjaki” which would fit in on Jónsi's break out solo album, the pop masterpiece “Go”. “Bláþráður” and “ Var” are Sigur Ros at their most traditional and perhaps their best with ambient sounds beautifully intertwining, until the listener is full of emotion.

“Kveikur” seems to be a transition album. The band is experimenting with new sounds and deciding where Sigur Rós will go with the next phase of their career. It's fun to hear familiar artists experiment with their sound, but ultimately “Kveikur” is a bit too jumbled. Perhaps the next Sigur Rós album will be a masterpiece, fusing the old with the new, but unfortunately they aren't quite there yet.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bonnaroo Memories

Today marks the beginning of the 2013 edition of Bonnaroo.  There are a lot of acts to look forward to, but let's take this opportunity to look back at some of our favorite Bonnaroo memories.

5.  Pearl Jam - 2008
One of the world's biggest rock bands, Pearl Jam, played an epic set at Bonnaroo 2008.  So epic in fact, that they played well over their allotted time leading to the now infamous Kanye West sunrise "Glow in the Dark" debacle.  Pearl Jam played hit after hit for the enthusiastic Bonnaroo crowd.

4.  Arcade Fire - 2011
2011 was a great year for Arcade Fire and it included a headlining set at Bonnaroo.  Their set was filled with songs off their Grammy winning album "The Suburbs", but it was during "Rebellion (Lies)" that Win Butler ventured out into the Bonnaroo crowd, making for one of the best memories at Bonnaroo.

3.  David Byrne - 2009
2009 was a great year at Bonnaroo with Phish, Bruce Springsteen, Nine Inch Nails, the Beastie Boys and David Byrne performing.  Byrne's performance was one part music, one part dance, and one hundred percent fun.  David Byrne is playing this year's fest with St. Vincent and it will surely be a highlight.

2.  Bruce Springsteen - 2009
Did I mention that 2009 was an amazing year?  Bruce Springsteen's headlining set at Bonnaroo will go down in the history books as one of the best ever.  He played for over 3 hours, wowing fans with hit after hit and even taking requests from the crowd.  When Bruce recieved a sign asking him to play "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" he smiled and said "It's too fucking hot for Santa!".  The crowd cheered and the band played on, making it an unforgettable Bonnaroo moment.

1.  Dan Auerbach/Dr. John Superjam - 2011
This Superjam is what Bonnaroo is all about.  Talented musicians, playing great music, to an enthusiastic crowd.  After this jam, Auerbach went on to produce Dr. John's 2012 album "Locked Down".  Proving that it was a match made in musical heaven.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

John Oates talks Bonnaroo Superjam

John Oates (Photo by © 2013 Juan Patino)
Recently, John Oates sat down with Rolling Stone magazine to discuss his solo album, Hall and Oates, and most importantly his upcoming Superjam performance at Bonnaroo.

"We've got this incredible band that we've assembled: Carl Broemel from My Morning Jacket is playing lead guitar, we've got Ziggy Modeliste from the Meters playing drums, Larry Graham from Sly and the Family Stone is playing bass. We've got Becca Bramlett and Wendy Moten, who are two of my favorite singers, singing background and leads. Bilal Oliver, from Philadelphia, is coming out, R. Kelly may show up. We've got Lee Fields, the Preservation Hall Jazz horns – it's just off the charts. The theme of our SuperJam is called Rock ‘N' Soul Dance Party, and it's just a ridiculous set list. It's crazy. We're doing a whole block of Sly stuff, obviously, because of Larry. We're doing everything from the Meters to Prince to the Band to John Lennon to the O'Jays. I've been waiting my whole life to do this set."

Thanks John Oates, for further proving that the Superjam is the best show at Bonnaroo.  To read his full interview, head over to

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mumford and Sons cancel shows in Dallas and New Orleans

Bassist Ted Dwane hospitalized

Mumford and Sons' bassist, Ted Dwane has been taken to the hospital to undergo emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.  According to the band's website, "Our friend and bandmate Ted has been feeling unwell for a few days, and yesterday he was taken to a hospital to receive emergency treatment. The scans revealed a blood clot on the surface of his brain that requires an operation.  Ted is receiving excellent care and we are being assured that he will recover quickly from surgery." 

While they had to cancel shows in Dallas and New Orleans, they state that "We have no plans to cancel or postpone any other appearances along this current tour."  Mumford and Sons are scheduled to play Bonnaroo this upcoming Saturday.  We would like to wish Ted a speedy recovery.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Watch Win Butler perform with the Rolling Stones

2013 has been a great year for Arcade Fire's Win Butler.  He became a father, he is working with LCD Soundsystem mastermind James Murphy on a new Arcade Fire album and last night, he joined the Rolling Stones on stage in Montreal.  Watch them perform "The Last Time" below.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Black Sabbath '13': Review

It's not bad, but does that make it good


“13”, the new album from godfather's of metal, Black Sabbath, features something old; traditional Sabbath guitar riffs along with lyrics that contemplate the afterlife, something new; Rage Against the Machine drummer Brad Wilk, and great production from Rick Rubin. Black Sabbath aren't chartering any new territory with “13”, but fans will welcome new material from one of the world's biggest rock bands.

The album begins with a guitar riff very reminicant of the diabolus in musica interval used at the beginning of “Black Sabbath” off their debut album of the same name. This sets the tone for “13”. Black Sabbath are reminding us how they used to rock by doing more of the same. Musically, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Ozzy Osbourne can still pack a punch and Brad Wilk is the perfect substitute for Bill Ward, who decided to sit this one out due a contractual dispute. Ozzy Osbourne's vocal's aren't what they used to be, but Rubin expertly layers and manipulates them to hide the imperfections. Lyrics, written by Geezer Butler, primarily explore the meaning of life and the existance of God, but ultimately they feel a bit too forced.  In the eight minute epic “God is Dead”, Ozzy wails “I emphasize with enemies until the time is right/When god and Satan at my side from darkness will come light”.

Everyone is at their best on “Age of Reason”, making it the highlight of the album. Brad Wilk is inspired on drums as Tony Iommi's wails a massive guitar solo. Ozzy explores the meaning of life singing “ These times are heavy and you're all alone”. “Damaged Soul” is a good jam and features a refreshing harmonica solo from Ozzy.

Black Sabbath are a timeless band and “13” sounds like it could have been released in the seventies. The double edged sword is that being timeless, doesn't make it exciting. It's kind of like season 4 of “Arrested Development”. It's nice for fans to get to see their old friends again, but unfortunately the magic is gone.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Prince turns 55

The artist currently known as Prince turned 55 yesterday.  To celebrate let's take a look at three awesome Prince performances, that he couldn't pull from the internet.

1.  Prince covers Radiohead's "Creep" at Coachella

2.  Prince steals the show from Tom Petty, Jeff Lynn and Steve Winwood at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tribue to George Harrison

3.  Prince plays "Purple Rain" in the rain at the 2007 Superbowl.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Bonnaroo announces Hip Hop Superjam

Rza, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Schoolboy Q, Earl Sweatshirt, and Solange are getting together in "That Tent" for a first of it's kind Superjam.  The good people at Bonnaroo are calling the set one of the most ambitious hip hop themed shows of all time.

With Rza hosting the Superjam, Wu-Tang Clan's set has been moved up to 7:30pm and the xx are now playing late night.  Bonnaroo is also featuring a Bluegrass Superjam, lead by Ed Helms and a traditional jam, featuring Jim James.  Looks like Bonnaroo knows that we all love a Superjam!

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hear new Nine Inch Nails single

Trent Reznor is a busy man.  Besides working with his side project How to Destroy Angels, Trent also appears on the new Queens of the Stone Age Album "...Like Clockwork", and now he has announced that we can expect a new Nine Inch Nails album this fall.  "Hesitation Marks" will be released on September 3rd, 2013, but you can hear the first single "Came Back Haunted" now!  On the NIN website Trent explains, “I’ve been less than honest about what I’ve really been up to lately. For the last year I’ve been secretly working non-stop with Atticus Ross and Alan Moulder on a new, full-length Nine Inch Nails record, which I am happy to say is finished and frankly f*cking great. 

Nine Inch Nails, also announced a huge world tour.  Did I mention Trent was busy?

Nine Inch Nails Tour Dates

07-26   Niigata, Japan - Fuji Rocks Festival
07-28   Ansan, South Korea - Ansan Valley Festival
08-02-04   Chicago, IL - Lollapalooza
08-09-11   San Francisco, CA - Outside Lands
08-15   Hasselt, Belgium - Pukkelpop
08-16   Biddinghuizen, Holland - Lowlands Festival
08-18   Hockenheim, Germany - Rock 'n' Heim
08-21   Belfast, Northern Ireland - Belsonic Festival
08-23   Leeds, England - Leeds Festival
08-24   Paris, France - Rock en Seine
08-25   Reading, England - Reading Festival
08-28   Milan, Italy - Mediolanum Forum
08-31-09-01   Philadelphia, PA - Made in America Festival
09-28   St. Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center *
09-30   Kansas City, MO - Sprint Center *
10-01   St. Louis, MO - Chaifetz Arena *
10-03    Montreal, Quebec - Centre Bell *
10-04  Toronto, Ontario - Air Canada Centre *
10-05   Cleveland, OH - Wolstein Center *
10-07   Auburn Hill, MI - The Palace of Auburn Hills *
10-08   Pittsburgh, PA - Petersen Events Center *
10-11   Boston, MA - TD Garden #
10-14   Brooklyn, NY - Barclays Center #
10-15   Newark, NJ - Prudential Center #
10-18   Washington, DC - Verizon Center #
10-19   University Park, PA - Bryce Jordan Center #
10-21   Raleigh, NC - PNC Arena #
10-22   Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena #
10-24   Atlanta, GA - Philips Arena #
10-25-27   Asheville, NC - Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit
10-30   Sunrise, FL - BB&T Center
10-31   Orlando, FL - Amway Center
11-01-03   New Orleans, LA - Voodoo Music Experience
11-05   San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center *
11-08   Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center *
11-09   Phoenix, AZ - US Airways Center *
11-11   El Paso, TX - Don Haskins Center *
11-13   Broomfield, CO - 1st Bank Center *
11-15   Las Vegas, NV - The Joint *
11-16   Las Vegas, NV - The Joint *
11-18   Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena *
11-19   Spokane, WA - Spokane Arena *
11-21   Vancouver, British Columbia - Rogers Arena *
11-22   Seattle, WA - KeyArena *
11-24   Edmonton, Alberta - Rexall Place
11-25   Calgary, Alberta - Scotiabank Saddledome
* with Explosions in the Sky
# with Godspeed You! Black Emperor

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Celebrating Bonnaroo's Superjam

Bonnaroo is one of the world's best festivals for many reasons. They book hundreds of the best acts in music today, rock out with late night sets, and feature an air conditioned comedy theater.  These things are all amazing, but hands down the very best thing about Bonnaroo is the Superjam. A Superjam is a combination of artists, who if not for Bonnaroo, would never be on the same stage at the same time... ever.  Sometimes Superjams will focus on the music of the individual artists on the stage, sometimes it is a tribute to an artist they all admire.  Whatever the focus may be it is always the best set at Bonnaroo.  We would like to take this oppurtunity to celebrate what makes the Superjam amazing.

Eugene Hutz and Sergey Ryabtsev, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2008

Superjam 2008 – Eugene Hutz and Les Claypool
This is what a Superjam is all about. There is nowhere else in the world where you will find a bunch of gypsy punks on stage with an experimental funk/rocker. When Eugene Hutz and members of Gogol Bordello got together with Les Claypool, they could have made it easy on themselves and played songs from their respective catalogs, but to make it even more unique, the boys made their set a tribute to Tom Waits. The set was delayed because Gogol Bordello had visa problems at the airport, but once it got going, this jam was a sight to be seen... or heard rather. Fans that stuck around until the end were rewarded when Kirk Hammond, who played a headling set with Metallica earlier that night, joined them for “16 Shells”, “Big in Japan”, and “D's Diner”.  This can only happen at Bonnaroo.

Dan Auerbach & Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2011

Dr. John at the Superjam
Dr. John, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2011

Superjam 2011 – Dan Auerbach, Dr. John, and Preservation Hall Jazz Band
The Dan Auerbach/Dr. John Superjam featured the two musicians playing a variety of NOLA classics backed by My Morning Jacket drummer, Patrick Hallahan, and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. The set felt effortless and cool. Dr. John masterfully played the piano for most of the set, while Auerbach acted as band leader, without stealing the show.  Auerbach may be a big rock star when he is with his band The Black Keys, but he still showed his Midwestern humility by leaving the stage early so that Dr. John could finish the set solo.  Auerbach returned to the stage, only to assist Dr. John with the stairs. Now that's a class act.

Superjam 2012 – Questlove featuring D'Angelo, the Roots and more
This Superjam was especially exciting because it had the element of surprise. It was well advertised that the set was going to include a special guest, but the question remained, who? Prior to the jam speculation ran rampant with festival goers relaying rumors that Jack White was on the farm. Thom Yorke and Trey Anastasio, who each headlined a night with Radiohead (Yorke) and Phish (Anastasio), were also favorites amongst fan speculation. No one could have predicted that the guest would actually be neo-soul legend, D'Angelo, playing his first show in years. When Questlove first announced D'Angelo, there was a bit of confusion from a mostly young crowd, who were in grade school at the height of D'Angelo's popularity.  By the time D'Angelo took to the piano and sang his first note, everyone was on board. The set proved to be one of the funkiest dance parties that has ever occurred on the farm.  They played songs from Funkadelic, Sly & the Family Stone and even the Beatles.  It was a triumphant return for D'Angelo and a highlight for everyone who was in attendance.

My Morning Jacket
My Morning Jacket - Bonnaroo 2011

This year's Superjam is being lead by My Morning Jacket's front man Jim James and is featuring John Oates (Hall & Oates), Zigaboo Modeliste (The Meters) and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. James is no stranger to jam. My Morning Jacket famously played a FOUR HOUR late night set at Bonnaroo 2008.   We don't know what surprises James may have in store for us this year, but you can guarantee that this set is going to be an epic jam.

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Johnny Marr performs on Later...with Jools Holland

Watch Johnny Marr play the Smith's classic "Bigmouth Strikes Again" as well as "The Right Thing Right" off his solo album "The Messenger".  Check out the videos, from Later...with Jools Holland, below.

In other Johnny Marr news, he isn't interested in talking about his relationship with former Smith's singer Morrissey.  In a recent interview with The Independent, Marr said "If you want to know about me and Morrissey, just Google it".

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Taylor Swift joins the Rolling Stones on stage in Chicago

Watch fan footage of Taylor Swift joining the Rolling Stones for "As Tears Go By", which was originally recorded by Marianne Faithful and one of the first written collaborations between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.  Mick leads the country pop star around Chicago's United Center stage as she sings and swirls.  This tour has featured guests as varied as Tom Waits, Sheryl Crow and Katy Perry.  Who do you think will be the Rolling Stones next special guest?

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Vampire Weekend release official video for "Diane Young"

Vampire Weekend have released the official video for the "Modern Vampires of the City" track "Diane Young" and it features cameos from singer-songwriter Sky Ferreira, indie superstar Santigold, and Dave and P-Thugg from Chromeo.  Check out the "Last Supper" party for yourself, below.

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Video: Sheryl Crow joins the Rolling Stones in Chicago

The Rolling Stones played their 2nd, "50 & Counting", Chicago show at the United Center Friday, May 31st and they were joined by a very special guest.  Sheryl Crow joined the rock legends on stage for the song "All Down the Line".  Watch the video below.  Who do you think will be the Stone's guest on Monday for their final night in Chicago?

In other Stone's news, we would like wish Charlie Watts a very Happy Birthday!

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Queens of the Stone Age: '...Like Clockwork" - Review

Queens of the Stone Age show us what it means to rock 


Queens of the Stone Age are back and darker than ever with their sixth studio album. “...Like Clockwork” is whiskey soaked, sex filled rock & roll. In other words, it is a breath of fresh air in a time when most “rock” bands are focusing on fashion and celebrity while they sell us watered down crap. Josh Homme is better than ever and this time he brought some friends along for the ride. Dave Grohl, who has previously worked with QOTSA on “Songs for the Deaf” and with Homme and John Paul Jones in the supergroup, Them Crooked Vultures, provides the drumming on the bulk of the album with Trent Reznor, Elton John and many more lending a hand on various tracks.

“...Like Clockwork” explores the idea that humans are animalistic, with dark instincts that lead to chaos, darkness, and a dangerous variety of fun. In the heavy hitting, relentless track “My God is the Sun”, Homme howls, “I don’t know what time it was/I don't wear a watch/So good to be an ant who crawls /Atop a spinning rock”. “If I Had a Tail” is dark and menacing with a sexy shuffle beat reminicent of the “Era Vulgaris” track “Make It Wit Chu”, while Homme ponders all of the deeds he would do if only he had a tail.

The relationship between highs and lows are explored throughout the entire album. Beautiful piano pieces like “The Vampyre of Time and Memory” and “...Like Clockwork”, a track that could easily fit in on a Radiohead album, are intertwined with gritty, loud guitar heavy tracks like “Keep Your Eyes Peeled” and “Kalapsia”. Elton John and Trent Reznor collaborated with QOTSA on the track “Fairweather Friends” and they are able to enhance the song without stealing the show.

The video for Kalapsia, animated by British artist Boneface, begins with the text “ Kalopsia is a condition wherein things appear more beautiful than they are”. Most of us seem to have this condition when it comes to our view of the world. We look through rose colored glasses rather than actually taking action. On “...Like Clockwork” Queens of the Stone Age remind us that we can change the negative entrapments of society, by removing ourselves from the unspoken rules that we all follow. Maybe I'm over thinking it and the overall message is that being bad feels so good. Either way, “...Like Clockwork”, is the best rock album that has come out in years.

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