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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Celebrating Bonnaroo's Superjam

Bonnaroo is one of the world's best festivals for many reasons. They book hundreds of the best acts in music today, rock out with late night sets, and feature an air conditioned comedy theater.  These things are all amazing, but hands down the very best thing about Bonnaroo is the Superjam. A Superjam is a combination of artists, who if not for Bonnaroo, would never be on the same stage at the same time... ever.  Sometimes Superjams will focus on the music of the individual artists on the stage, sometimes it is a tribute to an artist they all admire.  Whatever the focus may be it is always the best set at Bonnaroo.  We would like to take this oppurtunity to celebrate what makes the Superjam amazing.

Eugene Hutz and Sergey Ryabtsev, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2008

Superjam 2008 – Eugene Hutz and Les Claypool
This is what a Superjam is all about. There is nowhere else in the world where you will find a bunch of gypsy punks on stage with an experimental funk/rocker. When Eugene Hutz and members of Gogol Bordello got together with Les Claypool, they could have made it easy on themselves and played songs from their respective catalogs, but to make it even more unique, the boys made their set a tribute to Tom Waits. The set was delayed because Gogol Bordello had visa problems at the airport, but once it got going, this jam was a sight to be seen... or heard rather. Fans that stuck around until the end were rewarded when Kirk Hammond, who played a headling set with Metallica earlier that night, joined them for “16 Shells”, “Big in Japan”, and “D's Diner”.  This can only happen at Bonnaroo.

Dan Auerbach & Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2011

Dr. John at the Superjam
Dr. John, Superjam - Bonnaroo 2011

Superjam 2011 – Dan Auerbach, Dr. John, and Preservation Hall Jazz Band
The Dan Auerbach/Dr. John Superjam featured the two musicians playing a variety of NOLA classics backed by My Morning Jacket drummer, Patrick Hallahan, and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. The set felt effortless and cool. Dr. John masterfully played the piano for most of the set, while Auerbach acted as band leader, without stealing the show.  Auerbach may be a big rock star when he is with his band The Black Keys, but he still showed his Midwestern humility by leaving the stage early so that Dr. John could finish the set solo.  Auerbach returned to the stage, only to assist Dr. John with the stairs. Now that's a class act.

Superjam 2012 – Questlove featuring D'Angelo, the Roots and more
This Superjam was especially exciting because it had the element of surprise. It was well advertised that the set was going to include a special guest, but the question remained, who? Prior to the jam speculation ran rampant with festival goers relaying rumors that Jack White was on the farm. Thom Yorke and Trey Anastasio, who each headlined a night with Radiohead (Yorke) and Phish (Anastasio), were also favorites amongst fan speculation. No one could have predicted that the guest would actually be neo-soul legend, D'Angelo, playing his first show in years. When Questlove first announced D'Angelo, there was a bit of confusion from a mostly young crowd, who were in grade school at the height of D'Angelo's popularity.  By the time D'Angelo took to the piano and sang his first note, everyone was on board. The set proved to be one of the funkiest dance parties that has ever occurred on the farm.  They played songs from Funkadelic, Sly & the Family Stone and even the Beatles.  It was a triumphant return for D'Angelo and a highlight for everyone who was in attendance.

My Morning Jacket
My Morning Jacket - Bonnaroo 2011

This year's Superjam is being lead by My Morning Jacket's front man Jim James and is featuring John Oates (Hall & Oates), Zigaboo Modeliste (The Meters) and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. James is no stranger to jam. My Morning Jacket famously played a FOUR HOUR late night set at Bonnaroo 2008.   We don't know what surprises James may have in store for us this year, but you can guarantee that this set is going to be an epic jam.

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